Hello World – Our Beliefs, Mission & Vision

Our Beliefs – Adopt the highest Cryptographic principles

We founded Incrypteon on a simple belief that a company’s most valuable asset is its data, and today, more than ever, we believe this data is not adequately protected, nor is it simple or transparent to implement this protection.   We want to change this.

At Incrypteon, we are driven by a set of core values: integrity, innovation, and dedication to excellence. We prioritize the creation of robust cryptographic solutions designed to safeguard data against a myriad of evolving threats, including those posed by quantum computing and advanced artificial intelligence.

In a rapidly advancing technological landscape, it is imperative to stay ahead of potential risks that could compromise the security and privacy of sensitive information. Quantum computing, with its unprecedented computational power, and AI, with its complex analytical capabilities, both present unique challenges that traditional cryptographic approaches are unable to address.

Our Mission – Democratise the Gold Standard of Encryption

Our mission is to democratise the Gold Standard of Encryption (Information Theoretically Secure cryptography) making it simple for all developers to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify data for all their use cases with just a few lines of code.

By developing pioneering science-based cryptographic solutions (which have unparalleled security ratings and are devoid of any assumptions), we have created secure digital environments where data integrity is preserved, and the interests of humanity are protected, even against attackers with infinite computing and time resources (the embodiment of the Quantum+AI assailant). Our dedication to this mission is not only a reflection of our commitment to technological advancement but also a testament to our belief in the fundamental right to privacy and security.

Our Vision – No Compromise Cryptography

Our vision is to deliver a set of cryptographic primitives with no security compromises.  

We pride ourselves on the fact that we adhere strictly to the highest security design standards and principles in the world – as defined in Shannon’s foundation papers on cryptography:

  • Only assumptions which benefit the attacker are allowed – Assume that the assailant has infinite computing and time resources.
  • The security of the system must be measured and graphed using conditional entropy and equivocation.
  • Keys must be smaller than the message, and any encipherment where conditional entropy is reduced to zero must be considered insecure and invalid.
  • No assumptions of security are allowed. For example, assumptions such as “millions of years to break using brute-force” are baseless, unless it can be proven that no fast solution exists.

By adhering to these exceptionally high design standards, we have attained the following “impossible” cryptographic achievements:

  • We were the first to solve the One-Time Pad Deployment Problem which make OTPs impossible to deploy in a digital framework.
  • We have solved the Conditional Entropy Decay Problem – The inherent flaw (a security decay condition) in all encryption systems, where systems lose entropy until their conditional entropy is zero – the unicity point, indicating where they become insecure. For example, AES-256 cannot mathematically secure normal language messages longer than 40 characters. Shannon stated that any messages longer than the unicity point cannot be considered secure.
  • We invented Entropy Augmentation – where entropy and messages are mixed and transmitted, protecting the message, and allowing the key to be increased at a faster rate than can be reduced by a machine. This allows Archaios to have unprecedented objective security qualities. Entropy Augmentation promises to make all existing symmetric encryption ciphers obsolete.
  • And there are more “groundbreaking” developments in the pipeline.

We strongly advocate that all cryptographic systems should adhere to the highest possible cryptographic standard – information theoretic security – which is an objective science-based security standard. Only by having exceptionally ambitious standards, is it possible to create exceptional cryptographic solutions. But we also need these systems to be practical, easy to use and easy to integrate with existing Classical or NIST PQC standards.

Please join us on our journey!

Steve, Helder & Ian – Incrypteon Co-founders

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